As with any other airsofters, most of RAID's members go by a callsign on the field. Callsigns are nicknames of sorts that are used in the real military to designate certain forces/people. In airsoft, we use them more for the nickname purpose and it adds a little bit of immersion into the event. They also help to lower confusion among people with the same names; Saying "Tank" or something is easier than distinguishing between 3 Austins. The significance in each callsign varies, but here's a brief description of each for those who may be interested or inspired to find their own through some similar means.
Do NOT copy our callsigns. We play regularly and will know.
Panda: Other than the obvious racial implication (just being honest here), Panda gained his callsign for also being a fan of laziness and eating lots of food. Panda used to play as X-Ray, which was chosen off of the phonetic alphabet when he was 13.
Cable: Cable's callsign is after the Marvel comic book character, Cable. It was chosen for him so that Panda could say "It's f***ing Cable!" a la the Deadpool video game. Cable used to play as Grizzly, which was chosen so that he could match Panda as a bear-based callsign.
Dubbs: Dubbs is a product of several name shortenings. His initials are JPW, so the progression eventually made it to "JP Dubbs" and "JP" was dropped. He has held this callsign for the entirety of his time with RAID despite efforts by a couple teammates to get it changed to "Roids" to describe his (completely natural) physical strength.
Dolphin: Although no real backstory is on the callsign "Dolphin," he is planning on changing his callsign to Chaos following the first blog post's description of him (Seen here).When asked why his callsign is Dolphin, he simply replies "Why isn't it?". He also goes by "Stiffy," which stems from his Xbox 360 gamertag.
Consuela: Consuela got her callsign from an online poll Panda made among his airsoft friends. Consuela was entered by a poll-taker and got 5 votes, with the second place callsign only getting two. Some say that Consuela has a slight resemblance to the Family Guy character, but don't tell her that.
Clutch: As stated previously, Clutch has a love of cars and racing. As such, and considering he drives a manual, he is appropriately called Clutch. He also went by "Noob" when he was new to the team and "Turbo" for a few weeks before he decided "Clutch" is more fitting.
Apex: Apex is the result of a lot of thesaurus combing and trying to find a good word that was a synonym for tall. Apex is easily the tallest member of RAID. Other potential, but rejected, callsigns include "Summit" and "Skyscraper."
Bones: Bones came onto the team knowing exactly what his callsign was going to be. No real significance is behind it other than that he likes it, and no other callsigns have been attempted.
I hope that after reading a little backstory, anyone who wants a callsign or is on the edge about them will find some inspiration into making one. Thanks again for reading!! If you like the blog, continue giving feedback and I will try to keep this going.
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